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Scripts and Tips, Time & Energy & Values Sarah Griesemer Scripts and Tips, Time & Energy & Values Sarah Griesemer

I’m so frustrated that nothing goes as planned

It’s Sunday night, you’re getting ready for the week, you’ve got your plan, everything’s laid out.

Monday goes by without a hitch.

And then by Tuesday you feel like you’re doing this on your own. You’re picking up the pieces, literally, in the form of clothes on the floor, without any help. You’re scrambling to get lunches packed in the morning, and shoes on screaming toddlers as you’re trying to get out the door.

Thursday you might just homeschool to avoid the mess.

It’s Friday, and by god you definitely do not feel in love.

How it is we can go from “ready and optimistic” to “broken down” in one week? How can we start the week feeling connected, and end the week yelling about dishes in the sink?

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Time & Energy & Values Sarah Griesemer Time & Energy & Values Sarah Griesemer

Why you both think you’re right (and who actually is)

The truth is (I really really hate to admit this) I honestly thought I was right 95% of the time. I grew up in a family where I definitely had a sense there was a “right” way to do things and a “wrong” way to do things. I prided myself on doing things well and getting things “right.” So when I got married I was shocked that my partner seemed to think he, too, was right when clearly he was going about a lot of things all wrong.

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